Affordable Cremation Services in Van Nuys, CA

The death of a loved one can be devastating, especially if it was unexpected. Right now, you probably wish you could just spend time grieving for your loved one, but unfortunately there’s a lot that needs to be done. One of the first, most urgent tasks is figuring out what to do with your loved one’s remains. 


If the plan is for cremation, All California Cremation in Van Nuys, CA, can guide you through the process from start to finish. You can call us 24/7 and we’ll be available to answer your questions and address your concerns. We’ll be there to provide you with the personal touch you need during this difficult time. 


If you would rather complete the process online, we offer that as well. Use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to make arrangements through our website. Our server securely stores your information so you can complete the form at your own pace.


When you need cremation in Van Nuys, CA, take comfort in knowing that All California Cremation will be there for you. We’ll treat you just like family. 

Our Packages and Services

All California Cremation in Van Nuys offers four cremation packages to choose from, ranging in price from $985 to $1,745. For the lowest price, you can opt for our basic cremation package, which comes with all the minimum requirements. The prices increase from there and include options such as the witnessing of the cremation as well as a viewing for six loved ones to attend. The most expensive option, at $1,745, allows you to witness the cremation after a 30-minute private viewing.

We offer add-ons as well, including caskets, urns, and memorial packages. Contact us for more information about these options as well as what is included in each package.

Benefits of Choosing Cremation

When someone dies, they have two choices for their body: a burial or a cremation. While burial has been a long-honored tradition, more and more people are choosing cremation due to the many benefits it offers. Some of these advantages include the following:

  • Cost. The average funeral costs more than $7,000. If the deceased has no money set aside for these costs, that’s a lot of money for the surviving family members to worry about paying. Cremation is much cheaper. While they can vary in price, cremation in Van Nuys, CA starts at $895.
  • Environmentally friendly. Compared to burials, cremations are better for the environment. The embalming process involves a lot of chemicals. A casket is made of wood, which requires trees to be cut down. You will need to be buried, which requires land and water. All of this takes its toll on the environment. 
  • Lack of burial space. In the past, almost everyone was buried, and now we’re running out of land. As a result, you’ll pay a premium to be buried. 
  • Portability of ashes. If you move around a lot, you can take some ashes and always have a piece of your loved one nearby. You can also divide up the ashes among family members. 
  • There’s no rush. With a burial, there’s a rush to get the deceased ready for a funeral before the body decomposes. There’s no rush with a cremation. You can have the memorial service any time you want—even months later. This allows you to properly grieve your loved one’s death and be with family during this difficult time. 

Contact Us Today

If you are in need of cremation services for a loved one, the team at All California Cremation in Van Nuys is there to help. We offer many affordable packages without sacrificing customer service. We understand this is a difficult time and our friendly team is here for you. Contact us today for more information about our offerings or to start your cremation arrangements.

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