Affordable Cremation Services in Palm Desert, CA

When someone close to you passes on, it can be difficult to think about anything aside from your love for them. As such, the last thing you want to dwell on are things like your loved one’s disposition, their memorial service, or their burial. 

All California Cremation strives to make those decisions as simple as possible by offering straightforward cremation services in the Palm Desert area.

Before going any further, we want to express how sorry we are for your loss. We can’t imagine what you must be feeling at this time, but we hope we can help you plan your proceedings so you can celebrate your loved one’s life.

All California Cremation
offers affordable cremation services. Let us take care of everything so you can take your time to plan the memorial service, the celebration of life, or however else you wish to honor your dearly departed.

Why Cremation?

Cremation is a process that reduces one’s body to its basic non-organic elements. It essentially puts the body through an accelerated decomposition process. 

Cremation has become more frequent in America, even growing more popular than traditional burials. While we believe a person should choose whichever method would honor and respect their loved one the most, we do recognize there are unique benefits to cremation:

  • Eco-friendly. As many people in the world focus on taking better care of the earth, they look for ways to be kinder to the environment. Many consider cremation to be more eco-friendly than burial because it does not take up land space, nor does it allow preservatives like formaldehyde to seep into the ground.
  • Simplicity. Cremations do not require a casket, burial plot, or service from clergy (unlike traditional burials). This simplicity can be quite freeing for those who need to plan the memorial service.
  • Lower costs. Cremation services are affordable—more so than traditional burials. This is thanks to the simplicity of the process; there’s no need to buy a casket or a burial plot.
  • Little to no time constraints. Funerals for traditional burials must happen in a small time window after your loved one passes on. You can have a cremation funeral service whenever it’s convenient for you and other loved ones, some of whom may need to travel, whether it’s that month or in the next year.

What Does All California Cremation Offer?

All California Cremation offers the following option for cremation services:

  • Simple, Dignified Cremation: Our no-frills cremation package, this option meets all the requirements for cremation. Cost: $985.

We hope we can help you answer any
questions you have about the cremation process or what you will get with any of our service options.

Tell Us What You Need

If you are looking for cremation services in the Palm Desert area, we hope you consider how All California Cremation may be able to alleviate your stress during these tender times. 

contact us to learn more about what we can do for you to help honor your loved one.

Our current timeline is 2-5 weeks, serving Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties only.
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